‘Casino’ Son Eun-seo admits to dating CEO Jang Won-seok of ‘Criminal City'[공식] |

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ⓒReporter Lee Hye-young lhy@hankooki.com

[스포츠한국 조은애 기자] Actress Son Eun-seo (38) is in a relationship with Jang Won-seok (47), CEO of BA Entertainment, the producer of the movie ‘Criminal City’ series.

On the 23rd, Son Eun-seo’s agency, Just Entertainment, told Sports Korea, “Son Eun-seo is dating CEO Jang Won-suk.” An official in the film industry also told Sports Korea, “I know that CEO Jang Won-seok is in a beautiful love with Son Eun-seo.”

It is known that the two have been dating since last year on the premise of marriage.

Meanwhile, Son Eun-seo debuted as a CF model in 2005 and has appeared in a number of works such as ‘The Eccentric Daughter-in-Law’, ‘Let’s Fight Ghost’, ‘Voice’, ‘Queen for 7 Days’, and ‘Spring Comes Spring’. Recently, she received a lot of love by towing her popularity such as ‘Casino’ and ‘Beopjeon’.

CEO Jang Won-seok entered the film industry in 1996 as the production department of ‘Park Bong-gon’s Runaway Case’ and then established BA Entertainment, which has produced ‘City of Crime’, ‘Night of Memory’, ‘Raging Bull’, ‘Intruder’, ‘The Bad Man’, and ‘Straw’. Beasts I Want to Catch” In October of last year, he appeared on tvN’s ‘You Quiz on the Block’ and drew attention.

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