Chae Jung-an opens the safe hidden in the dressing room? “Looks like there are some people” : ZUM News


Chae Jeong-an TV YouTube capture

Chae Jung-an revealed the safe.

On the 17th, on Chae Jung-an’s YouTube channel ‘Chae Jeong-an TV’, a video titled ‘Congratulations V-log of Chae Jung-an here and there ㅣ Actress safe release ㅣ Birthday party with Kwanjong sister Lee Ji-hye ㅣ Essence recommendation’ was posted.

In the published video, Chae Jung-an received a gift from the staff on her birthday. On the cake, ‘Worry is a bunker, happiness is a hole-in-one. Chae Jung-an Nice Shot’ was written, and Chae Jung-an expressed her emotion by saying to the staff, ‘Thank you guys.’

Chae Jeong-an received a gift of incense candles, soju written ‘Jeong-an isbaek’, and Vita 500 with ‘Jeong-an 500’ written on it.

The next day, Chae Jeong-an said, “Mr. Ji-hye said that she had been away all day. It’s more fun to celebrate from time to time. It’s embarrassing to be the main character on my birthday. I usually live like my birthday. I also like seaweed soup,” and went to the bank before meeting Lee Ji-hye. rushed for

Before going to the bank, Chae Jung-an revealed the safe hidden in the dressing room for the first time. Chae Jung-an said, “I don’t know why I bought the safe. If there is a safe, they think there are some people,” and even revealed the password, causing laughter.

Foreign currency was piled up in the safe. While Chae Jung-an was exchanging foreign currency at her bank, Lee Ji-hye had already arrived at Chae Jung-an’s house.

Lee Ji-hye said, “I put abalone and boiled seaweed soup. I put two abalones in it. My daughter also put one in. I cooked it because I thought I would like to cook my sister tomorrow.”

The next gift is money gun. When Chae Jung-an learned that the money Lee Ji-hye was putting out was real, she picked it up and robbed her of attention. In addition, Chae Jung-an wore a short-sleeved tee with the faces of Chae Jung-an and her dog and posed for a storm in the photoshop decorated at home.

Lee Ji-hye and Chae Jeong-an visit a steak restaurant and start off with a light champagne. I had a wonderful birthday with Korean beef tenderloin steak and dessert.
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