Child Mental Health Disorders: Warning Signs Parents Should Watch

Samar Samir

Posted on: Sunday, August 28, 2022 – 3:10 PM | Last update: Sunday, August 28, 2022 – 3:10 PM

Mental health disorders in children are prevalent due to many factors that can negatively affect their behavior and their abilities to learn and deal with emotions.

And the website “Health Shots” published a set of information about the warning signs of mental health disorder in children, and how it can be dealt with.

• Causes of mental health problems in children

Because there’s no clear reason why some children develop mental health problems, some things, such as exposure to traumatic experiences, can increase the likelihood of this happening.

A child’s traumatic experiences may include:

1. Having a long-term illness.
2. Moving to a new home or changing school.
3. Being bullied.
4. Watch domestic violence.
5. Being abused.
6. Separation of parents.
7. The death of someone close to them.

• Symptoms and warning signs in children with mental disorders:

1. Out-of-control behavior that can be harmful.
2. Drastic changes in mood and behaviour.
3. Changes in eating habits.
4. Weight loss.
5. Difficulty sleeping.
6. Frequent headache or stomach pain.
7. Difficulty concentrating.
8. Changes in academic performance.
9. Avoidance or absence from school.
10. Loss of interest in things they used to enjoy.

• What to do to deal with mental health disorders in children:

1. Parents

As a parent, you are the one who knows your child best, so you should talk regularly with the child about how he is feeling. This helps develop a warm and open relationship with him, and the child will feel confident sharing his feelings with you and helping him work things out.

2. Youth

Taking care of your mental health is as important as your physical. If you’re angry, anxious, or sad, don’t be afraid to talk, share your feelings, and connect with a trusted friend.

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