Children choking on food.. Tips for overcoming a dangerous situation

children Babies have new foods to try, it’s important to be careful of their shape and size.

Revealed, Nikki Gurkowitz, an expert first aid About the food that causes the most choking accidents in children, which is sausage "The hot dog"confirming that it causes more choking deaths than any other food.

She also explained that food should never be cut into similar shapes coins Because these small pieces can also settle in the child’s airway, instead they should be cut lengthwise.

What do you do if your child chokes on food?

The NHS says that if you can see an object in your child’s mouth, be sure to remove it as squeezing it can make things worse.

If the child is coughing, encourage him to continue as this may help him remove the stuck object.

And if it was Cough Is ineffective (silent or the child cannot breathe properly), seek help immediately, the newspaper reports "The Sun" British.

Paramedics offer the following tips for choking, depending on the child’s age:

for babies

• Place the infant face down along your thigh, and tap the back five times between the plates the shoulder.

• Turn the baby over, face up, and place two fingers in the center of the chest, making five upward pushes.

• If the stuck item is not removed, call an ambulance.

for kids

• Encourage the child to continue Cough.

• Do five sharp blows on the back between the shoulder blades

• Stand behind the child with your arms around his waist, and press in the area between the belly andthe chest.

• Repeat the steps until help arrives.

• Start CPR pneumonia if the child loses consciousness.


When given to infants or children Babies have new foods to try, it’s important to be careful of their shape and size.

Revealed, Nikki Gurkowitz, an expert first aid About the food that causes the most choking accidents in children, which is the “hot dog” sausage, stressing that it causes more suffocation deaths than any other food.

She also explained that food should never be cut into similar shapes coins Because these small pieces can also settle in the child’s airway, instead they should be cut lengthwise.

What do you do if your child chokes on food?

The NHS says that if you can see an object in your child’s mouth, be sure to remove it as squeezing it can make things worse.

If the child is coughing, encourage him to continue as this may help him remove the stuck object.

And if it was Cough Ineffective (silent or the child cannot breathe properly), seek help immediately, according to the British newspaper “The Sun”.

Paramedics offer the following tips for choking, depending on the child’s age:

for babies

• Place the infant face down along your thigh, and tap the back five times between the plates the shoulder.

• Turn the baby over, face up, and place two fingers in the center of the chest, making five upward pushes.

• If the stuck item is not removed, call an ambulance.

for kids

• Encourage the child to continue Cough.

• Do five sharp blows on the back between the shoulder blades

• Stand behind the child with your arms around his waist, and press in the area between the belly andthe chest.

• Repeat the steps until help arrives.

• Start CPR pneumonia if the child loses consciousness.

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