Choosing the Right Calcium Tablets: Key Points for Bone Health and Absorption Rates

2023-06-17 22:34:00

The doctor said that when buying calcium tablets, there are three key points to grasp, including that the calcium content is not as high as possible, naturalness and absorption rate are the key; whether the compound contains vitamins D and K and that small tablets are safe to swallow; schematic diagram. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In order to maintain bone health, in addition to taking calcium-containing foods, many people will also supplement calcium tablets, but how to choose the right one? Fu Yuxiang, director of Wugu Xiangzhan Clinic, said that when buying calcium tablets, there are three key points to grasp, including the calcium content is not as high as possible, natural, absorption rate is the key; whether the compound contains vitamins D and K and small tablets can be swallowed Only safe. In addition, the importance of vitamin K is often overlooked, and insufficient intake may increase the risk of fractures.

Fu Yuxiang’s Facebook fan page “Your Chef Physician Fu Yuxiang Aging Medicine Internal Medicine Health Growth Care Care Food Chronic DiseasesThe article pointed out that the key to fracture or not lies in bone strength, which includes density and quality. In other words, if the bones are strong enough, even if you accidentally fall, the risk of fracture can be greatly reduced. And every time I see a doctor, patients often come to the clinic with calcium tablets and ask me which one is better. From the doctor’s point of view, I think there are 3 key points.

1. Natural, absorption rate is the key

●Calcium carbonate: It is a common calcium ingredient. The biggest advantage is that it is cheap and has a high calcium content. The disadvantage is that the absorption rate is very poor, which can easily cause intestinal discomfort.

Calcium citrate: There are two sources of calcium citrate, chemical and natural. If supplementing calcium carbonate causes intestinal discomfort, you can try this source of calcium; the disadvantage is that the calcium content is low, and you will need to take more Big doses.

●Seaweed Calcium: Seaweed Calcium is a natural source of vegan, rich in trace elements and minerals, vegetarians can also eat it with peace of mind, and its absorption rate and calcium content are higher than the former two, it is the most recommended source of calcium by doctors.

2. Whether vitamin D and vitamin K are added

Fu Yuxiang emphasized that people’s nutritional awareness has risen in recent years, and everyone knows that calcium and vitamin D should be taken together, because it can increase the intestinal absorption rate of calcium by 30-40%. But everyone ignores the importance of vitamin K. When calcium ions are absorbed by the intestines, vitamin K’s ability to convert calcium ions into bone components is needed. If the intake is insufficient, bone density will decrease and the risk of fractures will increase. .

3. It is safe to swallow small particles

Fu Yuxiang said that he has seen too many calcium tablets that are as big as a thumb, and it is very burdensome to hold them in his hand. Many elders have choked their throats, which is very dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to choose calcium tablets with small particles for the elders. Only by swallowing well can you continue to eat every day, and truly achieve the effect of calcium supplementation.

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