Choosing the Right Cooling Device: A Comprehensive Guide for Buyers

2023-07-09 17:27:00

Every year it’s the same scene with almost burlesque outbursts. Customers coming to buy a fan or a portable air conditioner in a hurry. The night before, it was impossible to sleep because of the heat wave which suddenly hit the coast.

So the next day, head to the household appliance stores, in the hope of finding freshness. But once in the radius, the choice is not obvious.

Benjamin is a salesman at Darty at Cap 3,000 where no less than fifty fans are sold per day against ten mobile air conditioners. It lists five things to know before you buy.

Consider the area

“Choosing is identifying your need. It all depends on the area you want to cover. A fan works for a small room, an office. Remember that it doesn’t cool anything, it just blows hot air. So as soon as it If it’s off, it’s the furnace again. Conversely, mobile air conditioning projects cold air. But for a maximum area of ​​30m2. Afterwards, you have to switch to fixed air conditioning.”

Price range

“The fans are for more modest budgets. The entry level is 20 euros and it goes up to 250 euros. Which is the entry level for a mobile air conditioning whose price goes up to 800 euros. Which is still cheaper than the installation of a fixed air conditioning: 1,500 euros minimum.

Mobile air conditioning: more efficient but more facilities

“Mobile air conditioning causes the room to lose 1° every hour. It can be moved as needed, like a fan but more efficient. The disadvantage is the necessary layout: the machine rejects air hot that must be evacuated by pipe. It requires drilling a hole in the wall. Impossible for the tenants. Fortunately there are sheaths to be installed at the windows to bring out the pipe.”

Don’t forget the decibels

“This is a very important criterion. The noise of the rotating fan blades can interfere with sleep. A good model will turn around 49 decibels. As for the mobile air conditioning, it makes almost no noise.”

Consumption and environment

“The power consumption of a fan is derisory. That of a mobile air conditioning costs the wallet at the end of the month around 20 euros. Fixed air conditioning, on the other hand, can amount to 70 euros per month. As for the impact environmental, the models are less and less energy-consuming and polluting. Just ask a salesperson to explain it to you in more detail.”

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