Climavorism: the new diet that pays attention to the planet

From vegetable steaks rather than beef, seaweed rather than fish raised in aquatic farms, organic and preferably local food… Here are so many ways to compose a climavore diet.

Activists Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe explain that the vegan diet cannot be the only solution to reduce your carbon footprint when eating.

Their interest is more in production systems to judge whether a particular food is acceptable.

In fact, the two acolytes, who baptized their duo Cooking Sectionsrather suggest adapting their diet depending on the vagaries of the weather and the modifications that reshape the landscapes and the terroirsand therefore food resources.

For example, we will not eat winter vegetables in the middle of August… Above all, we will avoid all crops that are the result of intensive agriculture. It is prefer those that contribute to the regeneration of our resources : we will vary the pleasures with all kinds of algae because they bring oxygen to the oceans, we will not hesitate to prefer oysters and mussels to aquaculture because of their water filtration superpowers . You also have to be curious and taste the old varieties of fruits and vegetables associated with a terroir, which can be grown close to home.

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