A safe anchorage to hold on to when the sea is stormy. A set of shared dogmas and customs, which transforms a series of people living in the same place into a community. A cultural model, the Western one, which the left is trying to disarticulate. If three clues prove it, as the genius of detective novels Agatha Christie recalled, the Islamization of Italy is something much more concrete (and dangerous) than mere ambition. There are so many examples that one is truly spoiled for choice in lining them up. The latest madness, but only in chronological order, is that which concerns the Pioltello school (industrial suburbs of Milan). The principal of the state comprehensive school Iqbal Masih has decided to close her school on April 10, the day of the end of Ramadan holiday. A total madness, promptly stopped by the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara. But on which the left has cried scandal, shame and, last but not least, racism.

Illuminating (on the contrary) are the words of the Democratic Party deputy, Francesco Verducci, who praised the initiative of the Milanese principal. «It is a very positive example. The future is multi-ethnic, schools have the duty to know how to build citizenship and democracy in a multi-ethnic society.” A reciprocity of which, in Islamic nations, not even a shadow exists. The progressives who proudly and haughtily defend the right of Muslims to be able to celebrate Ramadan are the same ones who cried foul when some courageous school principals had the audacity to install nativity scenes in their schools. A scenario completely identical to the endless controversy over the display of the crucifix in the courtroom. The outbreak of the war between Israel and Palestine highlighted an undergrowth, that of left-wing anti-Semitism, kept hidden for years by Carlo Marx’s grandchildren. And it has emerged in the last two months in all its anger. Just think of Liliana Segre, for years rightly held up as a positive example, now under fire for alleged disagreements with the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, and repeatedly contesting why she would not have distanced herself from Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. And what regarding universities, places naturally predisposed to confrontation, within which important journalists such as the director of the newspaper La Repubblica, Maurizio Molinari and the presenter of La Zanzara, David Parenzo were prevented from even speaking.

Two days ago a series of students also pointed the finger at their rector. “The University of Bologna has blood on its hands.” The Academic Senate of the University of Turin, as denounced by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, incredibly chose not to participate in the call for scientific cooperation with Israel. There were many, too many demonstrations in which pro-Palestine students mixed with antagonists and anarchists. From Pisa to Florence, passing through Turin and Bologna itself. This followingnoon, in the capital, a new demonstration, with roads closed, traffic at a standstill and tension skyrocketing.
Finally, a separate chapter would be needed to remember two courageous women, both members of the Northern League, such as the mayor of Monfalcone, Anna Maria Cisint and the MEP Susanna Ceccardi. The first must live under guard just for having said no to illegal mosques. Offenses and death threats to the Pisan politician for having urged, through 150 posters scattered around Rome, Muslim women to demand the same rights as their husbands. The left that hates our values is the same one that took as a model a school in the Mantua area where children were not able to enjoy Father’s Day. In the name of political correctness, the new lodestar of the progressives.
#closed #schools #censorship #proGaza #squares #held #hostage #Tempo
2024-03-24 13:42:54