Closing Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 for this reason?.. an official statement that settles the matter

Dalia Hamed, a member of the fundraising team for Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357, said that the hospital has recently been suffering from very severe financial crises, due to a lack of donations, which would force the hospital not to receive any new cases after six months have passed. Now, in the event that the situation continues as it is, regarding the value of donations that reach the hospital.

The fact that Children’s Cancer Hospital closed 57357

Some officials in children’s cancer have made media statements in recent hours. They have confirmed that the hospital has recently been suffering from a major financial crisis, and this is due to a clear deficit in donations, which prompted the administration to release the hospital’s last deposit in a bank.

According to the statements of “Dalia Hamed,” a member of the fundraising team, that if the situation continues as it is in the coming days, the hospital will no longer be able to receive any new cases six months from now, as this matter affects the hospital’s ability to provide medicines and medical care. necessary for patients.

Hospital 57357 tops social networking sites

Social media pioneers circulated many posts and comments about what is happening in Hospital 57357, which made some of them demand that everyone participate in donating to the hospital and trying to save it from closure, as a hashtag spread among visitors to communication sites titled “Save Hospital 57357.”

A number of artists and social celebrities participated in this matter, including the artist Amr Youssef, who posted a video on his official page on the social networking site, in which he asked everyone to contribute and participate, stressing that he had confirmed himself that there was a crisis in donations inside the hospital during this period.

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