CNTE blocks vital avenues in CDMX (VIDEOS)

MEXICO CITY.- Members of the Nationwide Coordinator of Training Staff (CNTE) held a march on the Reforma Avenue and different vital areas for street circulation in CDMX.

By way of social networks Movies and pictures of the mobilizations had been launched as we speak, previous to a gathering with the Govt.

March of CNTE academics

From this Thursday morning till midday, the academics prevented the passage of motorists, motorcyclists and residents in Of. Reforma, Central axis, José María Izazaga e Insurgents.

Based on native media, the mobilization started at 9:30 within the morning and continued till the contingents reached the Plinth capital to put in a sit-in.

CNTE sit-in in CDMX

Between 1 and a pair of within the afternoon as we speak, academics of the CNT They arrange a camp on the flagpole within the Zócalo after a mobilization alongside principal avenues.

Since yesterday some members of the CNTE arrange tents and tents within the Plinthwho had been joined by as we speak’s protesters.

Educators ask for an settlement with the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador for a rise of at the very least 25% to your base wage, with out combining it with different advantages.

In addition they request that their locations be returned to colleagues who’ve allegedly been restored.

Their requests embrace labor enhancements in addition to the repeal of the ISSSTE Regulation and the schooling reform, amongst different.

Leaders of Part 9 affirm that there are greater than 80 thousand academics in Oaxaca and different states who take part within the Zócalo sit-in and different mobilizations that they’ve carried out since yesterday, Might 15, Trainer’s Day.

Shortly after 2 p.m., CNTE leaders met with AMLO however they rejected the proposed 10% wage enhance.

They affirmed that they are going to keep the strike and the sit-in within the Zócalo.

CNTE protests in CDMX and different cities as we speak

In social networks Extra mobilizations and sit-ins by the CNTE have been reported in a number of cities in Mexico, primarily the nation’s capital and Oaxaca.

Work stoppages and demonstrations within the Secretary of Public Training (SEP) in Mexico Metropolis have been in place for days.

Mobilization on principal avenues of CDMX triggered street chaos, capital media reported.

The educators warned that if they don’t have a response to their request, they are going to be extra energetic with their mobilizations.

READ ALSO: CNTE academics speak about their shortcomings

#CNTE #blocks #vital #avenues #CDMX #VIDEOS
2024-05-23 02:24:36

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