“Coco Mac Mac” is a play that criticizes the Lebanese reality through women’s issues

the play Director and author Nibal Arakji said in an interview with"Sky News Arabia": "presented today comedy play starring the actress Karen McCarywhich plays the role of 3 characters are: "Coco, Raya, and Coco’s mother".

Arakji added: "Each of the characters tells of their struggles in life, and complains regarding the daily problems we encounter in Lebanonbut in a comic way".

And regarding her insistence on presenting her artworks in Lebanon, even though she resides in Lebanon ParisArakji said: "I have been asked this question a lot, even though my parents live in Paris, and I own French passportAnd I spent more than 25 years there, but I insist on the necessity of presenting art, performances, and plays in Lebanon.".

And regarding the messages she sent through this work, she revealed: "Through this play, I invited the Lebanese to preserve their hope in their homeland, and to stay here, because if we all abandon it, we will leave it to people we do not want to seize.".

For her part, actress Karen McCary told"Sky News Arabia": "The nickname by which the public introduced me (Coco Mac Mac) is a little strange, but it is taken from the beloved nickname given to me by my friends, as my name is Karen, but they call me Coco, as for Mac Mac, it is taken from the first three letters of my family name (Makari), And when I created my page on Instagram, I used this name without thinking, and the page received unexpected success".

Follow up: "consider this theatrical work Through which I am standing for the first time on stage, a great challenge for me because I will face a large audience for the first time, and I will stand in front of them for an hour and a half, which is the time of the play, and I will perform three characters at the same time on the stage in front of the audience directly, following I used to present these characters from Through videos on communication Web-sites social".

Regarding the three characters she plays, she revealed: "Each character has its own characteristics, but each has its own different message. Through Coco’s character, I will try to send a message to girls to stay away from the complicated matters in life. Through Raya’s character, I will criticize vanity and love of money. With Mac Mack’s mother, I will criticize various social problems.".

On the importance of continuing the theatrical movement in Lebanon despite the difficult circumstances, Makari said: "It is necessary that the theater continues in these circumstances, I reside in Francebut I came home to perform my theatrical work, wearing a bear costume cedar of LebanonTo say that we are attached to our land and our homeland, no matter how much time passes".


and regarding the play Director and author Nibal Arakji said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”: “I presented today comedy play starring the actress Karen McCaryWhich plays the role of 3 characters: “Coco, Raya, and Coco’s mother”.

Arakji added: “Each of the characters tells of their struggles in life, and complains regarding the daily problems that we encounter in the world LebanonBut in a comic way.

And regarding her insistence on presenting her artworks in Lebanon, even though she resides in Lebanon ParisArakji said: “I have been asked this question a lot, even though my family resides in Paris, and I own French passportI spent more than 25 years there, but I insist on the necessity of presenting art, performances, and plays in Lebanon.”

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And regarding the messages she sent through this work, she revealed: “Through this play, I sent an invitation to the Lebanese to preserve their hope in their homeland, and to stay here, because if we all abandon it, we will leave it to people we do not want to seize.”

For her part, actress Karen McCurry told “Sky News Arabia”: “The nickname by which the audience introduced me to me (Coco Mac Mac) is a little strange, but it is taken from the popular nickname given to me by my friends, as my name is Karen, but they call me Coco, and Mac McCack. It is taken from the first three letters of my family name (Makari), and when I established my page on the Instagram website, I used this name without thinking, and the page received unexpected success.”

She continued, “I take it theatrical work Through which I am standing for the first time on stage, a great challenge for me because I will face a large audience for the first time, and I will stand in front of them for an hour and a half, which is the time of the play, and I will perform three characters at the same time on the stage in front of the audience directly, following I used to present these characters from Through videos on communication Web-sites social”.

Regarding the three characters that she plays, she revealed: “Each character has its own characteristics, but each has its own different message. Through Coco’s character, I will try to send a message to girls to stay away from the complicated matters in life. Through Raya’s character, I will criticize vanity and love of money, as for Mac’s mother. Mac, I will criticize various social problems.”

On the importance of continuing the theatrical movement in Lebanon despite the difficult circumstances, Makari said: “It is necessary for the theater to continue in these circumstances. Francebut I came home to perform my theatrical work, wearing a bear costume cedar of LebanonTo say that we are attached to our land and our homeland, no matter how time passes.”

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