“Complete peace in Antioquia has had no impact”: Secretary of Safety spoke concerning the outbreak of the battle in Remedios

This Could 23, a Safety Council is held within the municipality of Remedios, because of the clashes between the Clan del Golfo and the ELN.

The Secretary of Safety of Antioquia, Luis Eduardo Martínez, indicated that the Safety Council is in search of measures to deal with the scenario.

Along with methods across the safety of the civilian inhabitants that has been victims of displacement, threats and confinements.

“Consider the scenario and see what measures, from a human, navy and judicial standpoint, are going to be taken towards these teams”the secretary emphasised.

This example of violence is because of territorial management, motivated by income derived from unlawful mining, the manufacturing of narcotics and the strategic geographical location of the realm.

Though the authorities haven’t been capable of specify the variety of deaths because of the tough safety circumstances, the governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón, has confirmed the presence of combating between armed constructions.

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Public order

Peace is urgently wanted within the territory

The Secretary of Safety of Antioquia questioned the Complete Peace that has been working with the Authorities and the armed teams which have a presence within the municipality of Segovia.

“I don’t perceive this problem of Complete Peace, the place we continually have confrontations, displacements, threats and complete confinement”Martínez disputed.

And he added that: «Complete Peace has allowed the Gulf Clan to develop enormously, to develop within the division; and that the FARC and the ELN grow to be stronger.

Native and departmental authorities urgently name on unlawful armed teams to put down their weapons and search a peaceable resolution to the battle.

Additionally learn: They recognized the physique that was discovered with gunshot wounds in Concepción, Antioquia

The next will take part within the Safety Council:

– Governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón Cardona

– Secretary of Safety and Justice of Antioquia, Basic (r) Luis Eduardo Martínez Guzmán

– Secretary of Institutional Affairs, Peace and Non-Violence, Lina Cuartas Ospina

– Commander of the Fourth Brigade, accountable for the Seventh Division of the Military, Brigadier Basic Jorge Ricardo Hernández Vargas

– Commander of the Antioquia Police, Colonel Carlos Andrés Martínez

– Delegate of the Lawyer Basic’s Workplace

Extra information from Antioquia

2024-05-23 16:17:19
#Complete #peace #Antioquia #impact #Secretary #Safety #spoke #outbreak #battle #Remedios

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