Confused because of infertility, but the lover reported pregnancy and asked for a new marriage for DNA testing

At the beginning of the new year, I had a headache with my lover. The story is that on the 5th day of Tet, the lover announced that she was pregnant. It would have been good news if I had been told I was infertile by my doctor 10 years ago.

I am 32 years old this year, working as a bartender for a coffee shop. I used to be married but got divorced three years ago. From the day I broke up with my wife, I rushed to work to forget the sadness.

We are each other’s first love, have known each other since high school, accompanied through many difficulties. She has been waiting for me to work abroad in Taiwan for more than three years. But when I got married, I never had a child. I went to many places for medical treatment and they all said it was me.

My husband and I divorced because I was infertile. Illustration

My wife and I have been actively seeking treatment but to no avail. Even though I still love her, I still decided to let her go to find new happiness. Many people recommend adoption, but I think she has the right to be a mother.

After the divorce, I closed a cafe in the countryside, moved to the city to work as a hired worker to forget the past. Here, I met a girl who had just graduated from college for a year, who was working part-time at a restaurant.

I am quite cute, quick, playful. She often teases me as a “difficult old man”, sometimes even buying me food. Then one day, she boldly confessed, making me both happy and surprised.

I also wanted to tell her the truth, but thinking back, her feelings were just in a hurry, and love stories had no future. I know you to make life less sad and help you more.

I don’t intend to take advantage of my lover, but he loves very passionately. I actively suggest sexual intercourse many times and then create conditions for it to happen. The lover did not hesitate to admit, I had sex with a few people before, so I did not feel guilty.

Because I thought I was infertile, I did not remind my lover to avoid pregnancy in close times. Then, on Tet, my lover “lucky” me with a pregnancy test with two red lines. Surprised, I had to confess my infertility.

My girlfriend told me the good news, I was confused about this - Photo 2.

My lover told me I was pregnant, and cried a lot when I confessed that I couldn’t have children. Illustration

Lovers swear to live, swear to die not to lie

The lover cried a lot, saying that I did not trust her to make up a story to deceive. Since falling in love with me, you have not been with another man.

In my heart, I pray that what you say is true, but the medical examination results cannot be wrong. I want to take care of my lover’s birth and complete the DNA test before getting married.

But my lover does not agree, I want to have a proper wedding ceremony because I am young. Seeing her crying and struggling, I couldn’t bear to love her. Some of my friends advised me, if I really love you, then get married and take care of your mother and children.

Because if I am infertile, I will have a child to raise, and if the baby is really my baby, that’s too good. I think the same way, but I’m really confused in my heart. Hope someone can give me some good advice.

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