Consumer Behavior and Strategies for Dealing with Inflation and Rising Costs in France: Insights from the OpinionWay Survey

2023-10-22 05:00:00

After family, subject number 1 for 83% of people questioned as part of our survey In the minds of the French, carried out by OpinionWay, and insecurity, inflation and the cost of living are of great concern to our compatriots. The CEO of the Système U brand describes customer purchasing behavior since the start of the crisis.

“Since the start of this crisis, a third of French people have seen their situation deteriorate significantly, especially in rural areas, this is unprecedented. In their battle to be able to continue consuming, our customers primarily favor promotions – + 4% in volume in the space of a year. The only limit is when we offer these promotions in batches of 3 or 4, and the overall bill remains high. The loyalty card has also become an everyday asset — at U, we donate 20% of the price of 250 products which change every month to this card. And it’s a hit, as are the discount vouchers offered at checkouts by manufacturers: consumers no longer throw them away straight away, and even go through them in detail.

“Baskets of damaged fruit and vegetables are robbed”

System U coupons, too, are on the rise, because they bring in much more than cost price operations. Thus, every Friday and Saturday from October 20 and 21, then every other week until the beginning of December, our brand will donate 10% of the receipt (except on alcohol expenses), without limit of amount, on your U card — for example, 6 euros for 60 euros of purchase. This device is very favorable! In the same spirit of saving, baskets of damaged fruits and vegetables at very low prices and anti-waste sections (grouping together so-called short-date products) are robbed, sometimes even as soon as they open. New fact: the psychological brakes have been lifted, everyone is now drawing articles.

Conversely, anything non-food suffers greatly. Batteries, school notebooks and other underwear are still selling, because they need to be replaced, but textiles and household appliances are completely broken down. Since the start of the school year, in the wake of the real estate crisis, sales of ovens, gas cookers and other items used to equip the home have declined by 10% to 20%.

A recent surprise: despite what we anticipated, the wine fairs continued to perform. Of course, we have adapted, by offering bottles at low prices this year, but I also see the desire to continue to enjoy ourselves. In the same way, Nutella for children, just like branded kibble for our animals, is doing well. The French are tightening their belts, but trying to protect those they love. »

OpinionWay survey for Le Parisien – Today in France carried out among a representative sample of French society aged 18 and over, constituted according to the quota method with regard to the criteria of sex, age, socio-economic categories professional, urban area and region of residence. This sample was interviewed by self-administered online questionnaire on the Cawi (Computer assisted web interview) system between September 4 and 11 with 2,021 people, then between October 18 and 19 with 1,008 people.

#Rising #prices #French #tightening #belts #protect #love

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