Covid-19: the vaccine to protect yourself but also to travel

Local health authorities repeat it: wearing a mask, barrier gestures and vaccination are the tools to protect yourself from the wave of covid sub-variants. And if the vaccine protects against serious forms of the virus, it also allows you to travel to other countries where the authorities require it.

A new wave of sub-variants is currently spreading to fenua, and we must guard against it, claim the country’s health authorities. First by wearing a mask and barrier gestures. And then by vaccination. Initial vaccination schedule, but also reminders for more efficiency. “Less than 6 months, or even 3 months for those over 80”explains Doctor Pierre-Henri Mallet, epidemiologist.

“The population is sensitive to everything that is happening elsewhere and here. With the increase in the number of positive cases per day, this prompted me two weeks ago to request the opening of the vaccinodrome at the Presidency”says Daniel Ponia, head of the covid platform.

“Today, at the Mathilde Frébault Institute, there are between 180 and 220 vaccinations per day, which is huge for this center”adds Daniel Ponia, “which proves that there is a strong demand for vaccination… with the increase in the number of positive cases per day”. Pharmaceutical laboratories are currently working on developing new vaccines that are more suitable and effective against the Omicron sub-variant.

80% of the population already has a 2 or 3 dose vaccination schedule. “But when we recommended the 2nd booster (4th dose) or the catch-up of the vaccination schedule, we realize that only 20 to 30% of people came to do their booster dose”, says Daniel Ponia. “This means that among the 80% of the population [qui ont leur schéma vaccinal], many should still get their booster shots.”

An update was given this morning on the health situation related to the new wave of Omicron sub-variants.


If vaccination is not compulsory, it is for traveling or transiting through certain countries.

This is the case of the United States where Americans require 2 vaccines. For it, “The last injection must be at least 14 days old. If it is less, the person is not authorized to enter American soil”.

Regarding international travel, Daniel Ponia warns: “be careful if you exceed 9 months outside Polynesia, you may have concerns about vaccination coverage. This is why we ask those who plan to travel to be attentive to this rule. If they come to be vaccinated 8 months after their last injection and whether they stay 3 weeks, 1 or 2 months outside Polynesia, we strongly recommend that they get vaccinated”.

Update on the Covid-19 epidemic – July 22, 2022

stat covid july 22

Every day more and more positive cases.

©Health Department

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