Cyberattacks from Russia targeting Belgium? Here’s what they might look like and their potential impact

Russian cyberattacks against Western organizations could take three different forms. Explanations with Katrien Eggers, spokesperson for the Center for Cybersecurity in Belgium.

Vladimir Putin’s attitude is so unpredictable that it is very difficult to guess the response he might give to the economic sanctions imposed by NATO member countries. One of the avenues would be to initiate cyberattacks against Western organizations. For the time being, there is no objective element allowing the identification of a concrete cyberthreat against Belgium, “but this potentiality should not be excluded”, assures the Center for Cybersecurity in Belgium (CCB).

So what to expect in the event of a Russian response in terms of cybercrime? These attacks could take different forms. “All private or public companies could be targeted, as well as government sites and public services. Different types of attacks can be considered, starting with ransomware”explains Katrien Eggers, spokesperson for the CCB. “This is a form of haggling where the hacker will block users from accessing their files or device, before demanding a ransom to decrypt the data and restore access.”

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