Dangerous secrets revealed by your blood type..discover them

Follow up – Samah Ismail

Everyone has their own blood type. And a lot of experiments and scientific research. Confirm that your blood type is a window into your health. According to a report in the American magazine “Reader’s Digest”. The eight blood groups “(-A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ or O)” are related to many diseases and the possibilities of contracting them. So knowing the blood types is very important.

From heart disease and strokes to certain types of cancer. The report presents eight secrets revealed by different blood groups. This is according to what was published by the “Dunia Al-Watan” website. Which:

1- The relationship of the “A, B, and AB” groups to heart disease:

With the exception of blood type O, the rest of the blood types have 25 to 30 percent higher levels of blood clotting proteins known as von Willebrand factor and factor VIII, and because of this difference, people with types A, B, and AB have a 15 percent greater risk in percent of death due to heart disease, according to a report published in 2015, in the medical journal “BMC Medicine.”

2- With type “O”, the risk of blood clots decreases:

Type O blood contains fewer proteins that help blood clot, so people with type O are less likely to suffer from blood clots.
However, there are many things that cause blood clots, so it should not be assumed that blood type O means that the person is ‘protected’ or that blood type ‘A’ means that the person is at greater risk.

3- The relationship of blood type “O” to pregnancy problems:

Blood type “O” has a relationship with pregnancy problems, as research from Albert Einstein College of Medicine indicates that with type “O” the levels of FSH increase to double, which is the hormone that regulates growth, sexual puberty and reproductive processes in the body, which means the possibility of Infection of the woman’s ovaries with infections.

4- With “A, B, and AB” groups, the risk of stomach cancer increases:

A study published in the medical journal “BMC Medicine” revealed that people with blood types “A, B, and AB” are more at risk of developing stomach cancer, possibly due to the response to pylori bacteria, which causes stomach ulcers.

5- With groups “A, B” the risk of deep vein thrombosis increases:

People with blood types “A, B” are 31 percent more likely to suffer from venous thromboembolism, and deep vein thrombosis forms in the leg or thigh, which is known as varicose veins.

6- With blood type “AB”, the risk of memory loss increases:

Blood type AB is the least common, however, research indicates that people with type AB blood are 82 percent more likely to suffer from cognitive problems in the future, as the risk of memory loss increases.

7- With “A, B” groups, the risk of developing diabetes increases:

People with blood types “A, B” are 21 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people with other types, and the reason for this is not completely known, but researchers believe that blood type affects the microbes in the digestive system, which It can affect glucose production.

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