Deaths and injuries in Flixbus accident near Leipzig

DPAThe bus on its side, near Leipzig

NOS News•yesterday, 12:24•Adjusted yesterday, 12:37

Four people were killed in an accident involving a Flixbus in Germany this morning. Five deaths were initially reported, but that was later revised downwards. One of the previously reported deaths is in life-threatening condition, but has not died, the DPA news agency quotes local police.

According to the police, twenty people were also injured. The bus left the road near the city of Leipzig and ended up on its side on the roadside.

According to the German broadcaster MDR the bus was on its way from Berlin to Zurich when it left the road near a traffic circle at 9:45 am. What caused this to happen is unknown. Police investigation has now made it clear that no other vehicles were involved in the accident.

The police and emergency services responded en masse. The hospitals in Leipzig have all cleared space to treat the injured.

There were 53 travelers and two drivers in the double-decker, Flixbus said. The driver at the wheel survived the accident. “Our thoughts are with all the people affected by the accident and their families,” a spokesperson for the bus company said.

Transport Minister Martin Dulig of the German state of Saxony also said in an initial response that his thoughts go out to the families of the victims and the injured.

Deaths in bus accident in Germany

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