Debunking the Myth: Does Drinking Water Really Moisturize Your Skin?

2024-03-02 14:00:00


If you drink a lot of water, will your skin really become moisturized?

Reporter Choi Ji-woo

If the amount of moisture in the body is sufficient, even if you drink a lot of water, the moisture is not concentrated only on the skin. / Photo = Clip Art Korea Water is beneficial to health by supplying necessary moisture to the body and promoting metabolism. Would increasing water intake help improve skin? Experts from the American health magazine ‘Health’ say that drinking a lot of water has no significant effect on moisturizing the skin or preventing aging.

◇Related to body moisture status
Water maintains normal blood volume in the body and aids blood circulation. Therefore, if the lipid layer, which is the skin’s protective barrier, is maintained healthy through water intake, it has the effect of preventing moisture from escaping from the skin. This effect of trapping moisture in the skin is related to the current moisture status. “For people with normal hydration, increasing water intake does not make the skin more hydrated,” said Noor Kibi, a board-certified dermatologist at Stanford University School of Medicine in the United States. In other words, unless your body is dehydrated, hydration will not improve skin health.

◇Moisture is not only delivered to the skin
If the amount of water in the body is sufficient, even if you drink a lot of water, the moisture is not concentrated only on the skin. A German research team reviewed 216 articles analyzing the effect of water intake on skin hydration. As a result, there was a lack of scientific evidence that drinking water provides more moisture, such as moisturizing the skin. Dr. Caroline Jacob, chief of plastic surgery and dermatology in Chicago, USA, said, “If you drink too much water, it first reaches organs that need more water than the skin, such as the kidneys and brain.”

◇ Pay attention to external moisturizing
External moisturizing is most important to keep the skin moist. Moisturizers that attract and retain moisture and ingredients that trap moisture in the skin by forming a barrier must be used appropriately. Moisturizer ingredients include hyaluronic acid, and moisture-trapping ingredients include petroleum jelly and lanolin. After washing, with some moisture remaining on the skin, apply moisturizer and a product that forms a skin barrier in that order.

◇Change lifestyle habits

One way is to eat a diet that is helpful for skin health. “Eating a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals is necessary to maintain a normal skin barrier,” said Dr. Noor Kibi. Dr. Caroline Jacob said, “Eating foods rich in omega-3, such as salmon or walnuts, helps moisturize the skin.” Instead of showering with hot water, it is better to shower with lukewarm water and use a humidifier in heated or air-conditioned rooms.

◇When drinking water is helpful
If your usual water intake is insufficient, drink more water to improve your skin condition. Dr. Noor Kibi said, “When the amount of circulating blood decreases due to extreme dehydration, the function of hyaluronic acid, which maintains moisture in the skin and promotes elasticity, decreases, making the skin appear dull and wrinkled.” He added, “In these cases, increasing water intake “It improves overall skin health,” he said. A simple way to check if you are consuming enough water is the ‘pinch the back of your hand test.’ Simply pull the skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and index finger for 5 seconds and then measure the time it takes for it to return to its original state. At this time, if the skin on the back of the hand does not return to its original state within 2 seconds, it may be an indicator of dehydration. Karan Rangarajan, a surgeon at the UK’s National Health Service, said: “If you drink enough water, your skin is so elastic that it recovers quickly within two seconds after a pinch.” However, the pinch test on the back of the hand is not effective for the elderly or people with certain diseases, such as autonomic nervous system abnormalities. In addition, symptoms such as ▲headache ▲dry mouth ▲extreme thirst ▲dark urine are also representative signs of dehydration.

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