‘Deterioration, pain, obesity, stress’ 4 health problems that are difficult to avoid for people in this generation

3. Obesity

With the lifestyle of living today with working on the spot. and eating foods that are high in fat and sugar causing a lack of balance between intake and exhaust cause fat accumulation Which leads to subsequent problems such as knee pain, back pain, fatigue easily, diabetes, high blood fat, high blood pressure and the most serious is Blockage of coronary arteries and cerebrovascular

'Deterioration, pain, obesity, stress' 4 health problems that are difficult to avoid for people in this generation

4. Stress

It cannot be denied that in modern times We found that people in society are more stressed. From children and adolescents, working age, including the elderly from the current social situation especially during the outbreak of COVID-19 Makes us have a life style that has changed. Must be in a separate state reduced family interactions colleague reduce social activities travel And there are also economic and social problems, the use of Social Media that causes more stress.


from the details of degenerative problems, pain, obesity, stress, as mentioned above If you pay close attention to the symptoms of yourself and those around you and manage early It will lead to good health results. Both body and mind which is regarded as truly according to the phrase “Arokaya Parama Laba, the absence of disease is a great fortune”

Information from : Praram 9 Hospital Contact for inquiries at Tel. 1270 and Line: @praram9hospital

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