Diabetes..a frequent sign that could indicate high blood sugar

Blood sugar levels are a measure of how much glucose is, and doctors warn of high blood sugar that could be caused by undiagnosed diabetes, so you should see your doctor if this applies to you.

The NHS says NHSAccording to an Express report, symptoms of high blood sugar “include frequent infections such as thrush, bladder infections and skin infections.”, This indicates that the percentage of white blood cells and high blood sugar.

The site notes that foot infections are “common” in people with high blood sugar.

The report explains that “nerve damage (neuropathy) combined with poor blood flow to the feet puts people with high blood sugar at risk of developing an infected foot ulcer.“.

It also notes that people with high blood sugar can be severely affected by common infections, such as pneumonia, which is why pricks are often recommended for people with diabetes..

Include Other symptoms of high blood sugar Increased thirst, dry mouth, tiredness, blurred vision, unintended weight loss, and abdominal pain.

Says Mayo Clinic If your blood sugar level is too high, you may experience many symptoms around your mouth, you may find that you have fruity breath or your mouth is very dry..

Diabetes UK says: ‘Blood sugar levels rise and fall throughout the day and for people with diabetes these changes are greater and occur more often than in people without diabetes..”

High blood sugar can affect people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, as well as pregnant women with gestational diabetes..

For people with diabetes, high blood sugar can be caused by things like stress, illness, not getting enough exercise, or eating too much..

Diabetes UK says: “Hyperglycemia can occur when blood glucose (sugar) levels are very high – usually above 7 mmol/L before a meal and more than 8.5 mmol/L two hours after a meal..”


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