Diabetes: foods to banish to reduce the risks

It is estimated that in France, 4 million people suffer from a form of diabetese. Usually it is type-2 diabetes. This makes the cells less sensitive to insulin, a pancreatic hormone that facilitates glucose absorption. The demand for insulin therefore increases and the cells of the pancreas produce more, Until exhaustion. The treatment of diabetes therefore requires a very careful diet with regard to sugar.

The two types of diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes which affects about 6% of diabetics and type 2 diabetes which affects 92%. Other forms of diabetes concern the remaining 2% (MODY, LADA or diabetes secondary to certain diseases or medications).

Type 1 diabetes, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDD), usually occurs in young people : children, teenagers or young adults. Symptoms are usually intense thirst, heavy urination and rapid weight loss. This diagnosis results from the disappearance of beta cells from the pancreas, causing a complete lack of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes usually occurs in older people over 40 years old. However, the first cases of adolescents and young adults affected appear in France.

Overweightobesity and lack of physical activity are the telltale causes of type 2 diabetes in genetically predisposed people. His development can go unnoticed for a long timeit is insidious and painless.

Type 1 diabetes: what foods to avoid?

In case of type 1 diabetes, “You must have a complete and varied diet” as advised by Romina Courtaut, dietitian nutritionist.

“There is no need to remove a food category from your diet. Neither do carbohydrate foods that are sources of sugar, as one might think! Indeed, the body depends on carbohydrates just as much as on lipids, proteins, vitamins… It is important to eat everything”, she underlined.

It is therefore recommended toimprove the quality of food consumed. Here’s what you can eat.

  • Foods with complex carbohydrates (slow sugars) and rich in fiber: fruits and vegetables, cereals rich in fiber, complete and semi-complete, legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.). These will indeed slow down the flow of sugar into the blood.
  • Foods with a low glycemic index (whole grain pasta and rice, apples, broccoli, tofu, raw carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc.). Avoid foods with a high glycemic index at all costs (ultra-processed foods, cakes, pastries, sandwich bread, white sugar and rice, fries, etc.)

Type 2 diabetes: what foods to avoid?

In type 2 diabetes, sugar regulation can no longer be done properly because the body is exhausted having to manage such a quantity of food.

“In this case, the first thing to do is to normalize his weight and waist circumference,” advises Dr. Pouzoulet.

He then went on to say:

“It is essential to have an active muscle mass, because the muscle consumes sugar: the more it is developed, the more it consumes. »

Here are the foods to avoid:

  • white bread;
  • white sugar;
  • Overcooked white pasta and rice;
  • Pastries ;
  • Honey ;
  • Jam ;
  • All fruit juices;
  • sodas;
  • Alcohols
  • Ultra-processed foods (prepared meals, frozen pizzas, aperitif biscuits, industrial cereals for breakfast, industrial breads and brioches, sweets, sweets, instant soups, charcuterie, sausages, industrial ham, sugary drinks, etc.).

That’s not all ! You also need avoid eating too large amounts of food. Stop snacking all day! Give the body time tohaving interruptions between food intakein particular the nocturnal physiological fast of 12 hours.

Fruits to avoid

In principle, a fruit is more interesting from a nutritional point of view when eaten raw and whole. Note also that some fruits contain more fast sugars than others.

“This is particularly the case with certain exotic fruits such as pineapple, lychee… or even dried fruit (except the Goji berry),” admitted Dr. Pouzoulet.

He also mentioned:

“Commercial fruit juices should be avoided, except apple juice which does not contain fast sugars. »

Cheeses to avoid

Rest assured, no cheese is forbidden.

“Only, it is necessary to limit its consumption”, underlined the doctor.

On the other hand, Romina Courtaut underlined that it is necessary all the same prefer fresh cheeses. Or low-fat cheeses such as cancoillotte, mozzarella, etc.

Source : Feminine

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