Diabetes risk increases by 28 percent even with a mild course!

Not only Long Covid is causing problems for some former Covid patients, but also diabetes, according to a new study! how scinexx reports a German-speaking research team finds out that even with a mild course the risk for Diabetes Type 2 rises!

data collection

The research team led by Wolfgang Rathmann from the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf evaluated the health data of eight million patients for the study. The data was collected from March 2020 to January 2021 in around 1,700 medical practices throughout Germany.

Each of the patients had normal blood sugar levels before being infected with the coronavirus or other respiratory viruses. They also had similar health histories in terms of pre-existing conditions and risk factors.

28 percent higher chance!

35,865 former Covid-19 patients were diagnosed with diabetes after surviving the infection. The data were compared to the same number of controls who had other respiratory viruses.

The comparison shows that patients developed type 2 diabetes more frequently after a Covid infection than those with another viral infection. Overall, the probability of developing diabetes after a Covid disease is 28 percent higher than after a flu or a cold.

In the video, we tell you what reasons the researchers suspect behind this.

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