diabetic retinopathy A disease that can happen at any age, whether young or old – Samyan Mitrtown

Many people may think that it is a disease that only affects adults, but it can actually affect people of all ages. The portion is more or less common depending on the type of diabetes. By type 2 diabetes is the most common type. Often found in people over 40 years of age, type 1 diabetes is often found in children younger than 10 years old, any friends who are not yet 40 years old, do not be complacent. Because in adolescence, it can be found as well.

The number of pediatric types 2 diabetes is increasing, in line with the increase in childhood obesity. This is caused by eating too much starch and sugar. including a lack of exercise Because most of their lives are spent in front of the TV or computer screen instead of running or playing sports. for friends Know more about diabetes Samyan Mitrtown There is information about this disease.

diabetes and eyes
Diabetes is caused by the body having high blood sugar levels for a long time. This is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin. or the body’s cells are not responding properly to the insulin the body produces. causing the body to be unable to use blood sugar If the blood sugar level is high for a long time, it can cause vascular dysfunction. It affects many organs throughout the body, including the eyes. Nearly every part of the eye, including the eye muscles, the lens, the optic nerve, the optic nerve and the retina, can all be affected by diabetes.

diabetes and blindness
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in working-age people between the ages of 20 and 74. In many developed countries, people with diabetes are 25 times more likely to go blind than normal people. Eyes are the most common cause of vision loss.

diabetic eye
Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes. Caused by having high blood sugar levels for a long time This results in damage to the blood vessels in the retina. There are two main conditions that can worsen vision, both of which may or may not occur together.

1. macular edema (macular edema) Occurs when fluid and protein leaks from the blood vessels around the visual acuity. which is an important part of central vision Makes the vision point thicker and swollen, interfering with the central vision. which such factors may cause distorted images

2. Diabetic eye stage with new blood vessels (Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: PDR) It occurs when the blood vessels in the retina are damaged by diabetes that the blood cannot flow normally. This causes the retina to be deprived of blood and oxygen, stimulating the creation of new blood vessels to replace it. These newly formed blood vessels may not develop properly. have weak walls brittle, easy to tear causing bleeding in the vitreous The fascia pulls the retina. This can cause retinal detachment and permanent vision loss.

new blood vessels in the retina (Neovascularization of the Iris)
It is a complication of diabetic retinopathy where the retina is severely deprived of blood and oxygen. The new blood vessels in the retina can block the drainage from the eye. causing eye pressure to rise sharply call this condition Neovascular glaucoma, a severe form of glaucoma that causes severe eye pain due to elevated eye pressure that is difficult to treat. Unlike other types of glaucoma, they don’t usually respond well to drug therapy alone.

Cataracts (Cataract)
This is the cause of decreased vision. It is more common in people with diabetes. The duration of diabetes and the control of sugar levels are important factors that cause diabetic patients to develop cataracts faster than normal people. In the early stages, vision may be corrected by wearing glasses. Cataract surgery is performed when vision worsens or cataracts obscure the examination of the retina and treat diabetic eye disease.

Diabetic keratopathy (diabetic keratopathy)
People with diabetes are more prone to corneal abrasions or ulcers from loss of sensation around the cornea. In the case of diabetes with high sugar levels for a long time Scratched or peeled glass surfaces from accidents, surgery, or from wearing contact lenses may be more difficult to heal and there is an increased risk of corneal infection.

Weakness of the eye muscles (Paresis of Extraocular Muscle)
It can cause sudden double vision because diabetes damages the small blood vessels that supply the 3rd, 4th, or 6th pair of cranial nerves that control the muscles that roll each eye. Most of the eye muscle weakness is caused by diabetes. The prognosis is quite good. They usually get better after about 3 months of symptoms and usually go back to normal. Treatment for double vision may be helpful with prism glasses if it has not improved for more than 6-12 months. May consider surgery to correct the eye muscles.

Prevent eye complications from diabetes.
control blood sugar levels blood pressure level and blood lipid levels to be in the normal range exercise regularly Refrain from smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol. Any changes in vision should also be observed and an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist should be made. If there is a sudden change in vision, such as blurred vision, blurred vision, seeing as black dots distorted or see double images, etc.

more importantly People with diabetes should visit an ophthalmologist for an annual eye exam. although his vision remained normal. At the same time, diabetic patients should undergo a thorough eye examination and dilate the retina to examine the retina even if there is no visual impairment. To screen for diabetic retinopathy at least once a year. After dilation of the retina, the patient may have blurred vision for 4-6 hours. Do not drive a vehicle by yourself during this period. Should have relatives with them for safety. If no abnormalities are found, eye examinations and iris dilation should be performed annually once a year. In case of diabetic eye disease, treatment or examinations may be required more frequently, depending on the stage of diabetic eye disease and the severity of the disease.

Knowing the cause, friends, don’t forget to take care of yourself and be safe from diabetes. Because we are all at risk if we don’t take good care of ourselves.

Thank you for information from: Dr. Wiraya Phimonrat, Bangkok Hospital

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