Diagnosis through DNA or RNA Sequencing (NGS) analysis, an Innovative turn in Medicine, is NOW performed in Guatemala

MyLAB Laboratory, launched the MOLECULAR BIOLOGY – GENETICS department, which makes us the first private clinical laboratory specializing in the diagnosis of DNA or RNA analysis, through robotic NGS and PCR RT sequencing systems, an innovative twist for the medicine of Guatemalans.

The Molecular Biology-Genetics department of the MYLAB laboratory has the latest technology for the diagnosis of low and high complexity genetic alterations for the detection of diseases such as CANCER, DIABETES, OBESITY, ALZHEIMER, PARKINSON, DEMENSIA, ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION, PULMAR HYPERTENSION and ALL congenital diseases.

This advance in clinical diagnosis today allows the person who requires it to obtain an early, timely diagnosis of different pathologies with access to Precision Medicine treatment or directed medicine in reference to different diseases, a situation that was previously only offered in medical centers. from the United States or Europe.

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a term to identify a DNA or RNA sequencing technology that has revolutionized the world of medicine and genomics. The NGS allows the search for new or disease-causing mutations in the genome or complete exome, being a technology that allows studying hundreds of genes simultaneously, which simplifies and speeds up processes, but which in turn provides information that refines drugs he identifies certain genetic mutations for which there are no medicines and in some cases offers clinical trials to patients with no therapeutic alternative.

“Our DNA or RNA analysis studies in robotic NGS sequencing and PCR RT systems, including technology such as ION TORRENT, and strategic scientific alliances, among others, allow us as a laboratory to obtain reliable, precise data of great importance for health. of patients, in a fast, simple and immediate way. It is a dream come true, we are in the era of DNA study, knowing our genetic code, (the EXOMA era), in order to have a healthier life”. Licda expressed. Maria Casasola, CEO MyLAB Laboratory

It can no longer be said that in Guatemala there is no innovative science and technology in medicine, available, because MyLAB is contributing to the change of a new history, what was done in the past in a limited and research way in our country today is a doctor and patient support tool that provides personalized results, saving time, money and suffering.

MyLAB with preparation, work, ethics and professionalism at this time has managed to position our country in the northern region of Central America as a leader in generating clinical diagnoses through scientific advances hand in hand with technology and innovation, thus offering a wide range of opportunities in the diagnosis, with the search for the improvement of health in a preventive or opportune way that leads us to the search for a society that is part of a healthier world.

Along with the launch, a seminar was held for the medical union in Guatemala, on various topics related to genetics and its importance in the detection of diseases, thereby providing more information and continuous medical education on the importance of early detection. of diseases using the clinical diagnosis of NGS genetic sequencing, and the benefits of Pharmacogenetics, which is the directed treatment or called Precision Medicine, and for this purpose, it had the participation of top-level international health professionals.

To learn more about the different services offered, you can enter your social networks “MyLAB” or the website www.mylab.com.gt

Font. Central American and Caribbean Digital Newspaper

Further Reading

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