Dibbiyat Meteor Shower 2023: Peak Viewing Times and Tips for Observation

2023-12-22 13:56:04

The skies of the Arab world are witnessing the peak of the Dibbiyat meteors from midnight on Friday, December 22, and during the hours until dawn on Saturday, December 23, coinciding with the beginning of the winter season, which is the last meteor shower this year 2023.

Bears are small meteors that are active annually from December 17 to December 25 when they cross the Earth through the dusty debris scattered along the orbit of comet Total. This debris hits the Earth’s atmosphere and burns at an altitude of about 70 to 100 kilometers and appears to us in the form of a line. Of bright light.

During this period, there will be an opportunity to see the Ursi meteors when their radiant point – in the constellation Ursa Minor – is above the horizon, with the number of visible meteors increasing as the radiant point rises in the sky.

The radiant point of the pinniped meteors is circumpolar, which means that it is always above the northern horizon, so the meteors are active throughout the night.

The meteors are expected to reach their peak at 06:00 am, as at that time their radiation point will be high in the sky. It usually produces between 5 to 10 meteors per hour under ideal conditions, and this year the gibbous moon will be present most of the time coinciding with the peak of these meteors, which will cause the fainter meteors to be obscured.

To try to see them, the northern horizon is observed in the direction of the stars of the Little Dipper with the naked eye from a dark location away from city lights, as they appear to appear in front of those stars, specifically near the star called (the planet), but meteors can appear from anywhere in the sky.

It is worth noting that the bear meteors were recently observed about 100 years ago compared to other annual meteor showers, when it was noticed that some meteors are active during this period of the year and that they are not random in their direction across the sky.

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