Did Karol G say “Get over me” to Anuel?

The relationships of celebrities always give something to talk about, since their private lives quickly take center stage on social networks, where we all find out what is happening. Did Karol G say “I’m over me” to Anuel?

Within the entertainment industry, there are hundreds of rumours, infidelities and relationships who do not have enough strength to face all the obstacles, and this was the case of the courtship of two important figures of the urban genre: Karol G and Anuel AA.

Much has been said about the chaotic breakup that both artists had and how it was dealt with, it was believed that the page had already turned, even the singer Anuel already had a relationship with another very controversial singer.

On Karol G’s side, we saw many changes, from new musical hits such as Provenza, to the change in color of her iconic electric blue hair to a mesmerizing passion red.

Now the cameras focus again on the Supreme Bichota, because on October 1, the Colombian appeared at the Payne Arena venue, located in Hidalgo, Texasalong with Grupo Firme, one of the most famous groups of recent times.

The entire venue went crazy with the presence of both talents on stage, where they shared the song Get over me. Who, fans assure, was totally dedicated to Anuel.

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