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It has happened and we have had to hear various explanations about how it happened that a person had to or, no, he was literally forced to commit a violation of the law! The time of the pandemic was, of course, one of the most fruitful and creative in this sense, because the reservations still had an almost revolutionary spirit. Unfortunately, some of the self-proclaimed fighters never left the battlefield, and even today they harass everyone they can on social networks with horror stories about vaccination as the cause of all possible misfortunes. In addition, there are also a number of branches of the fiction genre – well, there are about airplanes that sprinkle chemicals, earthquakes that are artificially created, Wang, who, of course, predicted all this (Forgive the fans of the long-dead old lady, but there is even a study on how Vanga’s name is used in Russian propaganda.) and so on and so on. It may be that people who are always and everywhere looking for some kind of conspiracy, no matter how unbelievable or illogical it may sound at times, have always been among us. However, I would like to say that it is definitely not as visible as it is now…

But, returning to the offenders, the reason for the reservations is quite different – it is the desire to avoid or, at the very least, soften the inevitable punishment. This is the case, for example, with drivers who sat behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol and still managed to cause a traffic accident. Somewhere there are already those pure of heart who regret their crime and reflect on life and their driving habits in general. However, in most cases, when the person involved is given the opportunity to speak publicly, usually everyone else will have been guilty, but not the drunk driver himself. And there are all kinds of reservations: “the road is slippery”, “something broke on the car”, “that front dragged on“, “I’m a driver with 30 years of experience and even when I’m drunk, I drive much better than all the others,” “unfortunate incident!”. You’ve heard of this, haven’t you!? As is often the case, there is also the regular cursing of the police and the justice system, because, you see, the poor “stepchild of fate” has been punished, while “the big bandits walk free”!

It is interesting that a rather similar strategy was chosen in one of the most recent criminal cases, where Tukuma can also be considered a place of location to some extent. Namely, Inita Lure, a former employee of the State Revenue Service, is accused of trying to extort money from local businessman Andras Ramoliņa together with her colleagues. How there was or wasn’t there will, of course, be proven in court, and before that it would be premature to call someone definitely guilty. However, attempts to divert attention from the possible guilt in a rather crude way by conjuring up a scene of a large-scale conspiracy in the SRS and the prosecutor’s office (I. Lures allegedly gave an interview to “Diena”, allegedly to a journalist) are suspicious at best. All “evidence” from the series is word for word, while specific things to be tested are listed as “not yet disclosed”. And that was already the obvious goal – to “start the fog”, so that everything is questionable, so that everyone is properly pelted with mud, so that it is not clear for as long as possible who is enough with a good cold water, but who has cheated and greed to the depths of the soul.

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