Diseases and infections that can kill you in 24 hours

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The disease infects small animals, such as rats, and is transmitted to humans through fleas or other insects.

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This disease also causes swollen lymph nodes (buboes) and gangrene, leading to septic shock and death.

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This intestinal disease can kill within hours if not treated properly.

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It is transmitted through contaminated water or food.

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This deadly disease is transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical regions around the world.

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It becomes fatal in cases where the patient develops hemorrhagic fever, organ damage, severe bleeding, and/or dehydration.

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Ebola hemorrhagic fever causes severe bleeding into internal organs and through body openings. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fatigue, and severe headache.

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It affects the meninges (tissues that cover the spinal cord and brain) and causes swelling that can lead to serious brain damage.

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Babies and children are especially vulnerable to this disease.

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The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin (MRSA), causes infections in different parts of the body. It becomes lethal when infections lead to sepsis or septic shock.

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Depending on where the disease is contracted, it can cause skin infections, such as boils or sores. In addition, it can cause more serious infections related to the bloodstream and lungs.

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It is spread through direct contact with the infection, which can be passed from animals to humans. It is often spread in places where people have more vulnerable immune systems, such as hospitals or nursing homes.

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It often occurs in hospitals where patients are recovering from surgery and are vulnerable to infection.

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Stroke is an interruption or reduction of blood flow to the brain. As a consequence, there is a lack of oxygen, inflammation of the brain and the death of some neurons.

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Symptoms include numbness or paralysis on one side of the body, slurred speech, dizziness, and disorientation.

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Minor strokes are not usually fatal, but can cause permanent disabilities.

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If not treated urgently, it can cause death in a short period of time as it is fast and aggressive. Treatment can range from antibiotics to surgery, including amputation of affected limbs.

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This virus is transmitted through saliva, coughs and sneezes and develops a mild respiratory illness. Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, cough, and runny nose.

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It can cause death in cases where it causes extreme shortness of breath and severe respiratory illness.

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