Do women or men feel jealous and resentful more? As psychologists find – LIFESTYLE – KAUTHUKAM

Every human being may at some point feel that he is behind other human beings in some respects. There is no difference between men and women. Psychologists call jealousy when you think that someone is bad about you. A sense of inferiority from superiority in another human being causes these problems. Jealousy and slander have caused many problems to man since ancient times.

But is a man or a woman more jealous? What are the reasons for jealousy? Researchers have found that both sides are not bad jealous in this regard. But the subject that causes men and women to be jealous is completely opposite.

Under the leadership of American psychologists Danielle J. Delpriore, Sarah Hill, and David M. Buss, 116 men and 99 women were studied. The first factor that makes men jealous is their ability to find love partners. Financial power, social influence, learning, and athletic prowess are all things that men envy.

The first thing women envy is physical attractiveness. This means that if another woman thinks she is beautiful, they will be jealous. Women can be jealous because of factors such as their influence, the influence of their family, and the way they dress. They agree with psychologists that 17.8 percent of women felt jealous when another woman found them beautiful. 12.6 percent of men said they felt jealous of a rich man.

The psychologists conducted a second, different experiment with 12 possible jealousy-inducing situations. Even the first reasons have been revealed. Although there is jealousy, the factors that cause it are different for men and women.

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