Do you drink a lot of milk? Be careful, it can harm your health!

Written in LIFESTYLE the

From childhood our parents we have been forced to take leche to grow healthy and strongso it is a product that we continue to consume today to accompany some cookies, bread rolls or cereal, but Did you know that taking it in excess can harm your health?

Yes, although we have always kept in mind that drinking a glass a day will provide us with protein and calcium that will help us to have strong bones and energy during the day, it can also be harmful to our body.

There is even research that shows that instead of helping us maintain excellent bone health, excessive consumption of this drink weakens our bones.

Why milk can be harmful to our health?

According to nutritionist Paulina Álvarez from the ABC hospital, first of all, the leche It has a significant amount of fat and calories, so drinking it unlimited could attract cholesterol and overweight problems.

For their part, researchers from Harvard University affirm that daily consumption of this product or its derivatives increases the levels of saturated fat and vitamin A, which causes the bones to weaken.

Besides, the leche it lacks some nutrients such as fiber, iron or vitamin C, which can aggravate rheumatoid arthritis or iron deficiency anemia.

However, they are not the only effects that can cause high milk intakesince it has also been related to coronary diseases such as cataracts and even some types of cancer.

In this way, experts have concluded that moderate consumption of milk does not have to be harmful. For this reason, it is recommended that the elderly drink two cups of this drink a day, although the consumption of soy milk, almond milk or rice is recommended, which do not contain cholesterol and are made up of antioxidants and fiber.

In the case of people who are lactose intolerant, they may lean towards yogurt, which has few amounts of lactose, everything will depend on how your body reacts to derivatives of lactose. leche.

As a conclusion we can say that milk is not bad for your healthas long as it is consumed in moderation and does not fall into excess.

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