Doctor Goryainova listed the most toxic products for the liver

How Sugar Loads the Liver

– The liver is the only organ that deposits (stores in reserve) sugar for emergency delivery to the brain during adaptive reactions in the event of prolonged starvation, the nutritionist draws attention. – But if you eat it in excess, it harms the liver.

The expert reminds us that we often overeating sugarwithout noticing it, because it is hidden in almost every product – in all semi-finished products, canned food, sauces, sweets, pastries, soda.

“Excessive consumption of sugar increases the load on the liver,” explains the nutritionist. The more sugar a person consumesthe more insulin the body produces. There is not always enough room in the liver cells for excess glucose, so insulin is converted to fat – everything that is not deposited in the liver as a reserve for a rainy day is converted to fat. Which leads not only to obesity, but also to fatty hepatosis.

Also, most sugar-containing products, including soda, contribute to spasm of bile and pancreatic ductswhich also affects the condition of the liver, the expert says.

– Bile migrates in the organs: its improper secretion affects digestion, stool regularity and the general condition of the body, the doctor warns.

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