“Doctor Thira” warns Thai people Revealing the best ways to prevent smallpox

In addition to smallpox, monkeys are primarily transmitted through physical contact. In Africa, it is also transmitted from mother to child through the placenta. It is also likely to be transmitted through contamination of the environment and personal or tangible equipment (Fomites). The virus’ genetic material has also been detected in respiratory secretions, blood, urine and semen.

If assessed from the current situation The monkey pox battle has a high chance of prolonging. Even if the infection doesn’t escalate like COVID-19

With our well-known human behavioral weaknesses, sex, intimate contact. and sharing here and there including maintaining cleanliness of public places When monkeypox cases occur in the community Chances of continual transmission of infection are high.

Sources to be aware of are entertainment place especially at night tourist attraction Including the place to stay, where people are crowded, crowded, cleanliness is not good enough

Mode of transmission, the main thing should be inevitable about having a close relationship. and sex Be it male and female, male to male, female to female, or in a group.

As for Fomite transmission, although the chances are less But it should not be underestimated. Because I don’t know who, when, and where the jackpot is.

suppression of appetite Use mindfulness to help you restrain yourself when thinking about building a relationship. Be careful, observe, and check before you faint. therefore important

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