Does the war in Ukraine worry you? It’s normal

How to deal with war anxiety in Ukraine

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How to deal with war anxiety in Ukraine

You wake up remembering that Russia is at war with Ukraine, and you feel like your stomach is in knots instantly? you are not alone·e.

Numerous·his were those who hoped that full-scale conflict would be avoided, and so it is understandable that the uncertainty and the unknown that now looms are difficult to manage.

According to psychotherapist Lucy Beresford, interviewed by HuffPost UKfeeling overwhelmed right now is a completely normal reaction.

“People tend to feel much better when they are in control of their lives. Situations such as the pandemic, and now the war in Ukraine, can trigger feelings of anxiety, fear, and overwhelm“, she explains.

Feeling of helplessness

People who have a connection with Ukraine may feel helpless. And anyone listening to the news may feel worried or panicked. And since stress can affect us physically, by wearing us down or putting us in a bad mood, any stress still present as a result of the pandemic can now be amplified by this new sense of threat.

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Just take a look on social networks to see that you are certainly not alone.·e to experience these feelings.

According to psychologist Tara Quinn-Cirillo, following information from afar can also lead to feelings of helplessness. That’s why she urges readers to “use trusted sources of information” to manage their reaction to news.

“Avoid hashtags like #ww3 (3rd world war in French, editor’s note) for example,” she says. “Take media breaks, including social networks, and limit discussions on the subject”.

Dwell on your emotions

It may seem surprising, but Lucy Beresford believes that one way to deal with these feelings is to “dwell on them”. “It’s difficult but extremely valuable,” she says. “It takes courage to stay in the moment with your feelings, because you can be afraid of being overwhelmed. But whispering in your ear the mantra ‘that too will pass’ is very effective.”

She also recommends doing a “body scan” to pull yourself out of your thoughts and into your body. “Sit down, close your eyes, and gently, mentally scan your body from head to toe, really feeling your body in the chair,” she says.

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