‘Dol Singles 3’ Jeon Da-bin’s reason for divorce “Ex-husband’s high-interest loan … Debt piled up in my name”

Jeon Da-bin revealed the reason for the divorce.

On MBN’s ‘Dol Singles 3’ broadcast on the 3rd, the reasons for the divorce of 8 men and women were revealed. On this day, Jeon Dabin said, “After her marriage, her ex-husband’s business became more and more difficult.

Jeon Da-bin said, “My ex-husband started taking out high-interest loans. I repaid the high-interest rate in that person’s name. As a result, debt began to accumulate in my name.”

She continued, “So I worked like crazy. On the other hand, my ex-husband became helpless.

I’m on my own, I thought. I didn’t want to live like that. I wanted to be happy,” he added.

In particular, Jeon Da-bin said, “The day after the two of us decided to divorce, my ex-husband invited my family to a group chat room and wrote, ‘We are getting a divorce’.”

[유은영 스타투데이 객원기자]

PhotoㅣMBN broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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