Don’t lose your laughter even in the dark hour

“I’m glad we won. That was very important for the team,” said Paul Mensah, who scored twice for Blau-Weiss Linz in the 4-0 derby win in the 2nd division against Vorwarts Steyr. The 23-year-old Ghanaian had a score to settle with the Red and Whites – and gave a sporting answer in the local duel: In the first leg, the derby was overshadowed by racist calls from the Steyr block against the blue and white kickers Mensah and Fally Mayulu. “Unfortunately, that’s often how football is,” Mensah said coolly.

With blue and white, the African is considered a real sunny boy. “He’s always laughing. In the fall he often complained that he didn’t score that often. But you can always feel his happiness,” says coach Gerald Scheiblehner. Even in the dark hours, Mensah hasn’t lost his smile: “You have to have fun in life, I always want to convey a good feeling.”

The offensive player has a big goal with blue and white: “Of course, promotion.” One team has already said goodbye to the title fight after the first spring round: After the 1:2 in Horn, the GAK is already six points behind blue and white. Leader St. Pölten won yesterday against the amateur team from Sturm Graz 2:0.

“An interesting player”

Matthias Seidl should also play his part in the promotion: In the summer, the Linz top scorer will switch to Sturm Graz. Andreas Schicker, head of sport at Graz, confirmed the interest: “He is an interesting Austrian player, but nothing is certain.” Blue and white coach Scheiblehner became clearer after the final whistle in Steyr: “It’s also great for blue and white when two of our kickers, Mayulu (Note: Rapid Vienna) and Seidl, make the leap to big clubs.”

Raphael Watzinger

Raphael Watzinger


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