Dramatic Police Chase: Young Driver’s Reckless Actions and Future in Jeopardy – Latest Updates and Analysis

2023-09-26 14:23:00

Seeing a police patrol near the Quick de Marche, the young driver was going to be checked. But he then decided to outrun the police by heading towards Hotton at full speed. without complying with the orders of the police. The chase would last for many minutes.

The defendant multiplies violations of the highway code, including taking one-way streets in the wrong direction.

Twice, he crashed into the police vehicle crossing his path to try to stop him. The young driver also turned around to head back towards Marche. This chase ended, between Hotton and Marche, when the driver pretended to start again towards the police.

One of the officers was slightly hit by the fleeing vehicle. The police officer, feeling in danger, then used his weapon. The bullet lodged in the headrest of the young man’s vehicle, who had the reflex to lean to avoid it

“I acted without thinking”

“I was not in control of my means, and I acted without thinking under the influence of alcohol,” the young man explained in court. “All of this is unlike me and it had no purpose.”

The young man is being prosecuted for malicious obstruction of traffic, armed rebellion and carrying a prohibited weapon; namely a knife with a 30 cm blade that he carried when going hunting. Driving while under the influence of alcohol has already been judged by the police court.

In addition to the legal proceedings, the defendant, who was an aspiring police officer, was forced to give up his career in the police.

The prosecution is asking for 6 months in prison, without opposing a possible reprieve.

The young man’s lawyer, Me Sylvain Danneels, asks the court for leniency. “My client was a student police officer and this is not a mitigating circumstance, but it can help us understand his behavior,” says the lawyer. “He knows that if he is caught while driving under the influence of alcohol, he could lose everything. And he was just trying to save his future position.”

For the thoughtless attitude of his young client “who also thought he was going to die”, the council requests probationary suspension, independent probation or even a work sentence. Highlighting the young age of the defendant, his lack of criminal record and compliance with the measures already ordered. The defendant also already has a job ultimately other than within the police. Judgment on October 27.

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