“Drink Smarter: The Science behind Coffee and its Benefits for Your Health”

2023-05-15 18:50:02

News JVTech I love coffee, and after looking at what the science says, I still drink it daily, but smarter

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It is one of the big questions whether coffee is good or bad for your health. Science thus has a fairly clear answer on the subject and the benefits tend to outweigh the disadvantages.

Science says it: coffee is good for your health

Coffee is one of the most studied beverages. Because between its misdeeds and its benefits, it is difficult to see clearly. Nevertheless,
several studies

seem to go in the same direction: coffee is beneficial.

I’ve been drinking coffee for about ten years and like many I started because others were taking it. It strongly resembles the beginning of the use of cigarettes in principle. But that’s good for you. On the other hand, there are several rules to respect for this to be positive and especially that you can extract all its benefits.

We often start coffee for a reason: to have more energy with a boost. This is one of its functions, but taken at the wrong time, coffee could have the opposite effect. Scientific studies agree that caffeine is a blocker of the adrenal glands, which release the cortisol hormone. Simply put, the higher the cortisol level, the more tired you will be. It thus complements melatonin.

Coffee will thus have the effect of blocking this rate in the morning, where it will be highest, causing a burst of fatigue once the effects of the coffee wear off. It is for this reason that around noon we feel a sudden fatigue, that we take a coffee at each rebound. Except that once you stop, it’s a big hit. It is best to wait at least an hour and a half after getting up before consuming caffeine.

All the benefits of coffee

Once you know how to consume it, you have to know how much. Studies agree on about three to four cups of coffee a day. Beyond you risk getting into an addiction and the beneficial effects will only diminish.

In a study for healthcare professionals, the effects of caffeine were
studied in the elderly

. The aim was to see if the evolution of cognitive degeneration was modified. The good news is that people who drank coffee maintained better cognitive abilities. Another study, carried out over 21 years, shows a similar result.

Not all positives in coffee

We then go into the effects that can be undesirable for some people. Already there is the blocking of adenosine which has the effect of countering the sedative action on the nervous and vascular system. If it offers more reflexes and increases concentration, the effect also prevents sleep. It takes between 6 and 10 hours depending on your metabolism to eliminate the effects of caffeine. It will therefore be necessary to cut at least 8 hours before bedtime.

It also increases the dilation of blood vessels. Blood pressure then tends to increase. For people with heart problems, this can have very harmful effects.

The acidity in the stomach is also increased. So if you have heartburn it’s not a good idea. This is probably one of the reasons why you have these kinds of symptoms. But to be sure, the opinion of a doctor is always essential.

Finally, we can talk about addiction. Too much coffee is harmful. But in too large quantities, oranges are harmful too. It’s always about the proportions that count.

Now that you know all about coffee, it’s a choice: coffee or no coffee?

#love #coffee #science #drink #daily #smarter

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