How Kirsty Heron Overcame Ulcerative Colitis: A Story of Strength and Resilience

2023-05-15 17:30:00

Kirsty Heron, a 24-year-old Briton from Swinton, suffered from excruciating cramps, to the point of writhing in pain. In 2020, when her parents took her to the hospital, the diagnosis came through.

It was when she was 21 that she learned that these horrible cramps did not come from nowhere. She actually suffered from ulcerative colitis, a disease causing inflammation of the colon and rectum. “I felt like my life had been suspended,” says the young woman in the columns of the Mirror. “For a young girl like me, seeing her life put on hold due to illness was heartbreaking. Being diagnosed with something you had never heard of before was scary,” she adds.

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“I cried almost every day because I thought I shouldn’t have to live my life like this at such a young age. Waking up without energy, without being able to eat or have fun”, explains the young woman again.

It was one day when she was at home that she began to experience severe cramps for the first time. When she got out of bed to go to the bathroom, she noticed a large amount of blood in the bowl. Her parents immediately took her to the hospital. “I had no other symptoms. It was a horrible pain, like when you have an ulcer in your mouth but it was in my stomach. I was losing a lot of blood, it was pretty scary,” says Kirsty.

“I was in constant pain”

Once at the hospital, doctors gave her a CT scan and the results showed that she had ulcerative colitis. For the next three years, she was prescribed different medications, but her body rejected everything. “I was in constant pain and felt constantly tired. I had no energy and I was afraid to eat because every time I ate, the pain was horrible, ”says the Briton.

Her illness really didn’t make her life easy. “I couldn’t go out and have fun without wondering if I needed to go to the bathroom or if I was going to make it,” says Kirsty, who had to go to the bathroom up to 20 times a day.

The situation has therefore not improved at all for the young woman in three years, despite the treatment. Last February, doctors offered him the option of an ostomy pouch. “I was more than happy to have the operation. I just wanted my life back. I thought, ‘How am I going to wear my everyday clothes?’ I thought people would see it,” Kirsty explains. But not wanting to live this ordeal any longer, the young woman took the plunge and had surgery.

“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I have never felt better and I can start living my life as a young girl. Even though I have two ostomy pouches, I’m glad the pain is free and I can go out and spend time with my family and friends,” concludes Kirsty.

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