Eat and sleep immediately! Repeated acid reflux, esophageal cancer risk? | Health System Insights

Nowadays, many people have the habit of eating and sleeping, eating late, or preferring to eat buffets. Make acid reflux disease occur easily. But is it true that acid reflux carries the risk of esophageal cancer? Dr. Passakorn Wanchaijibun Oncologist Member and Assistant Secretary-General of the Medical Council, Assistant Director of King Prajadhipok Hospital Advanced Cancer Center Describe the symptoms of acid reflux with Hfocus that after eating. Food enters the esophagus into the stomach. Usually, the sphincter is located in the area of ​​the esophagus that connects to the stomach. between the small intestine It is closed to allow food to be digested with gastric juice. The acid increases in the stomach for digestion. It takes time to clear the contents of the stomach before going into the small intestine. On average, it takes about an hour and a half to two hours. The acid is at its peak. such period if the sphincter is bad or if you eat too much In the case of eating buffet There is a lot of pressure in the stomach. When the sphincter deteriorates, pressure will cause vomiting. When the sphincter doesn’t work very well The acid will flow back up. If reversed at the level of the esophagus to the stomach, a burning sensation in the middle of the chest occurs. But when more acid reflux comes around the mouth. will cause vomiting or when sleeping and unknowingly choking acid into the trachea but will hit the larynx first irritate the larynx Observed from symptoms in the morning after waking up, the voice is hoarse, chronic sore throat.

“If acid reflux is a lot, reflux often, when it hits the esophagus often The esophagus is not as thick as the stomach, thus causing an ulcer. The body was trying to adjust. Generate new tissues to replace the acidic tissue. Each cell division from normal if very often Some abnormal cells may be found. If the body has enough to get rid of the abnormal cells, it won’t be cancerous. But if it is produced often, there must be some errors. If it comes off more, it becomes esophageal cancer. especially cancer of the distal esophagus.” Dr. Passakorn explained

Dr. Passakorn Added that eating and sleeping behavior also results in chronic sore throats. chronic hoarseness It can also cause obesity. because the body needs to burn When you sleep, your metabolic rate will decrease. When the body has finished digesting food If not used, it will get fatter. The advice is not to eat before bedtime. If finished eating, you should walk for 2-3 hours, should not lie down immediately. because the chances of acid reflux are greater Another important part is the sphincter. If the sphincter is good, the problem will be less. but digestion time The pressure in the stomach is high. The sphincter will deteriorate quickly if acid reflux occurs frequently. The older you get, the easier it will be acid reflux. The sphincter wears out faster too.

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