Effective Home Remedies and Medical Solutions for Vaginal Thrush: Yogurt, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, Honey, and more!

2023-10-01 08:00:00

Does this really help against vaginal thrush?

Many of us have probably picked up on it somewhere: the tip, Yogurt on a tampon Insert into the vagina to combat vaginal thrush. But does it really work? The well-known home remedy can actually help to alleviate the symptoms of the infection, as the lactic acid bacteria it contains act against the fungi and can support the mucous membranes in regeneration. To do this, simply dip a tampon in natural yogurt without additives and insert it into the vagina. Then let it work for two to three hours and then remove it again.

Other home remedies can also bring relief and help with vaginal thrush. It is also particularly effective Coconut oilthe has antimicrobial properties and can therefore fight the fungus. To use it for vaginal thrush, you should let the coconut oil melt and then apply it to the vulva and distribute it in the vagina. You can also use a few drops Aloe vera Put it on a tampon and insert it into the vagina for around two hours – due to its cooling effect, the home remedy can relieve symptoms such as burning and itching. And also Honig has antimicrobial properties that can help against fungal infestation: To do this, put some honey on a tampon and insert it into the vagina for two to three hours. In addition, can Sitz baths with warm water and a cup of apple cider vinegar will help relieve itching and irritation. You can also Sage tea Boil it and add it to the water as it has an antibacterial effect.

If the home remedies mentioned have no effect, you can combination preparations available in pharmacies without a prescription against vaginal thrush, which usually consist of suppositories for internal use and an ointment for external use. If the symptoms persist or even get worse, you should consult your gynecologist.

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