Efficient Transdermal Delivery System for Vitamin D Deficiency in Growing Children: Custics’ Award-Winning Patent

2023-07-12 12:10:45

[2023 우수특허대상] caustics

According to the National Nutrition Survey, more than 80% of growing children are deficient or deficient in vitamin D. There is also a research result that short children have a higher rate of vitamin D deficiency than normal children.

Custics (CEO Lee Kang-il) chose the TDDS (transdermal delivery system) method while looking for a way to more efficiently administer vitamin D to growing children. Transdermal administration is convenient, has the advantage of controlling the rate of absorption, and avoids first-pass metabolism by the liver. The related technology was also transferred from Seoul National University. This is a patent that allows macromolecular drugs in the patch to be efficiently absorbed into the body through peptides.

Transdermal drug delivery methods have problems such as small drug size or high hydrophobicity, but this patent obtained in vivo test results that drug delivery is efficient through an efficient skin-penetrating peptide ligand.

An official from Custics said, “We recently registered HOWTOKI as an OTC DRUG (U.S. quasi-drug) with the U.S. FDA so that the patented technology can reach overseas and contribute to vitamin exports.”

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