Eighty-year-old security guard’s indecent granddaughter rubs her chest, touches her lower body, and kisses her parents with a tongue

The case is being heard in the District Court today.

The 80-year-old security guard was accused of groping his granddaughter’s breasts and private parts three times when he was alone in a room with his young granddaughter since nine years ago. After the granddaughter disclosed the incident to her parents living in the Mainland, she was scolded by her grandparents, who said, “Even if she has done it, she can’t tell it.” The granddaughter later reported the incident to the teacher and social worker, and the incident was reported to the police. The security guard was arrested after the incident and denied three counts of indecent assault in the district court yesterday. The case will be tried today (9th).

The 80-year-old defendant, TSH, denied that between January 2013 and July 2018, he molested X, who was between 4 and 10 years old, three times in a unit in Hong Kong. The prosecution’s opening statement stated that X’s parents lived in the Mainland, and X had lived with the defendant since 2013. X slept in the same room as the defendant and his grandmother, and the defendant slept on the upper bed in the room. During the incident, the defendant took advantage of his wife’s outing for morning exercise and when he was alone in a room with X, touched X’s vulva and chest with his hands, kissed X and stuck his tongue into X’s mouth, and pointed to X, “My lord is touching and frightening. , Grandpa Tin, you touch first”, scolding X when X resisted. X feels nauseated and uncomfortable about the behavior.

During the summer vacation of 2018, Queen X spoke out about the incident when she visited her parents in the Mainland. However, X’s grandmother was angry when she learned of the incident. She not only reprimanded X for falsely accusing the defendant, but also forced X to apologize to the defendant, otherwise X would not be allowed to live in Hong Kong. X’s parents knelt down and apologized to the defendant. In the first 4 months, when X’s grandmother asked to meet with X’s teacher on discipline matters, X told the teacher about the incident again. The defendant was arrested in April 2009, with a warning that he “did nothing”.

Original URL: Eighty-year-old security guard’s granddaughter rubbed her chest, touched her lower body, and kissed her tongue. Her parents learned that she would kneel down and apologize | on.cc Dongwang | Hong Kong and Macau https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20220809 /bkn-20220809132225839-0809_00822_001.html

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