ELSTAT: 2.8% decrease in the general index of import prices in industry in February – 2024-04-16 23:31:35

The general industrial import price index recorded a 2.8% decline in February 2024, compared to the corresponding index in January 2024.

As her figures show ELSTATthe decrease in imports was recorded when compared to the corresponding index in February 2023, once morest a decrease of 5.6% observed when comparing the corresponding indicators in 2023 to 2022.

This reduction in the so-called “imported inflation” is due to:

  1. In reducing the price index of imports from non-eurozone countries by 3.5%, and
  2. In the reduction of the price index of imports from eurozone countries by 1.3%.

However, according to newsit, the general index showed an increase of 0.4% in February 2024 compared to the January 2024 index, compared to a decrease of 3.4% in the corresponding comparison of indices in 2023.

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