End of course for Stéphane in the 12 Coups de midi: he leaves the show, in tears, after 153 participations

Indeed, Stéphane, midday master for a long week, was eliminated after 152 victories.

It was during the Coup par coup, second stage of the show, that the master of the south bowed. He answered incorrectly twice, thus finding himself obliged to challenge one of the candidates.

He chose Sarah who was to find among four people the greatest American of all time. She gave the correct answer, which caused the noon Master to fall.

We will remember Stéphane as one of the best candidates for tele-hook. He ranks 5th in the ranking of the greatest Midday Masters, behind Bruno (252 wins), Eric (199 wins), Christian (192 wins) and Paul (153 wins).

He won the sum of €568,343.

It is, very moved, that Stéphane thanked the entire team of Jean-Luc Reichmann. “Keep this show going for, 10-15-20 years. You make so many people happy,” he said.

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