“Everything You Need to Know About Basket Bonus and Electronic Family Pocket Payments”

2023-04-22 14:52:26


April will be the last month in which the Basket Bonus will be delivered before being replaced by the Electronic Family Pocket.

© Aton ChileFind out if the Basket Bonus corresponds to you and when it is deposited

There are only a few days left until the last payment of the Basket Bonus because it will be replaced by the Electronic Family Pocket from the month of May. Check if you will receive the benefit and its corresponding payment.

Know if it corresponds to you

You can check if you will receive the Basket Bonus through consulta.aportecanasta.cl. Once you enter you must enter your RUT and Date of Birth, and finally click on “Consult”.

As a result, you will know if the benefit corresponds to you and know the amount, date and method of payment of the contribution.

Who gets the last payment?

  • The and the causes of Family Allowance, Family Allowance or Maternal Allowance as of August 31, 2022.
  • Causers of the families that were users of the Securities and Opportunities subsystem as of August 31, 2022.
  • Families who were participating in the Chile Solidario subsystem as of August 31, 2022.

How is it paid?

The benefit includes three payment methods, including:

  1. If the person is not a regular beneficiary of the IPS and has a valid RUT Account, The Basic Food Basket Contribution will be deposited in that account.
  2. If the person is not a regular beneficiary of the IPS and does not have a RUT Accountthe Contribution will be paid in person.
  3. In the case of people who habitually (each month) receive IPS benefitsif they meet the requirements, the Contribution will be paid to them in the same way as they receive those benefits.

What will be the amount for April?

During the month of April the amount of the benefit will decrease from $14,061 pesos (corresponding to March) to $12,386 to be paid at the end of April 2023.

What is the Electronic Family Pocket?

This is a benefit that will begin to be delivered during the month of May to all the beneficiaries of the Basic Basket Bonus who will continue to receive monthly contributions for this new benefit.

What will be the amount?

The beneficiary individuals and families will receive a fixed monthly amount of $13.500 pesos and whose payments cannot be withdrawn from the RUT Accountsince unlike the Basket Bonus, it will be found in a separate amount exclusively to be spent in businesses dedicated to the food itemthat is, in supermarkets, warehouses, etc.

For each purchase you will finance 20% of the purchase made and if you do not spend said amount during the month then it can be accumulated with the amount of the following month.

#Find #Basket #Bonus #corresponds #deposited

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