Exclusive / Huang Xiangyi’s 9-year-old was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia! “Burning to 39.9 degrees” condition exposure | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Cai Chenyi/Taipei report

Singer Huang Xiangyi, who has not appeared in the music scene for a long time, has been accompanying her 9-year-old son Ashton in Singapore in recent years, and she often shares her life on IG. However, she recently revealed that her son was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. Quarantine together with health monitoring and daily screening.

▲ Huang Xiangyi’s 9-year-old son was diagnosed. (Photo/Photographed by Huang Xiangyi IG)

Huang Xiangyi confirmed to “ETtoday Starlight Cloud” on the 12th that Ashton had symptoms at home three days ago, including sore throat, cough, etc. They immediately did a quick screening. Although the second line was relatively shallow, it was still positive. She immediately took her son. Go to the doctor and do a more complete examination to determine the winning bid, but the Singapore government stipulates that you must self-isolate at home for 72 hours, and do quick screening every day. Even after the 72 hours, you must go out until the result is negative.

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Ashton’s home isolation place is in her own room, and she also has a private bathroom. She said that at the beginning, her son had a fever of 39.9 degrees, and he would keep coughing at night, which made her quite worried. It’s better.” At present, Huang Xiangyi does not seem to have symptoms of new coronary pneumonia.

▲▼Huang Xiangyi's 9-year-old son was diagnosed.  (Photo/Photographed by Huang Xiangyi IG)

▲Huang Xiangyi is currently in Singapore. (Photo/Photographed by Huang Xiangyi IG)

Huang Xiangyi also revealed on IG that close contacts or family members of the confirmed person will receive a health risk warning from the Singapore Ministry of Health. If they want to go out to work, they must submit a report on the screening results every day.

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