expand your movements and tone your muscles

One of the parts that perhaps goes unnoticed most in training is stretching. They should be done both during the warm-up in order to stretch the muscles and prevent injuries, and during the cool-down to reduce the muscular tension that has accumulated during the physical exercise session. However, there is another point of view from which these stretches can be observed, and that is from the prism of the mobility training.

This type of training is focused on the muscles and, above all, on the joints. What you are looking for is that the range of movement is extended so that you can carry out more controlled movements. If the range of motion is extended, it also affects the best performance of strength exercises, so it will be easier for you to tone the muscles, in addition to gaining more flexibility and thus avoid some injuries.

Do not forget that thanks to these exercises, you can avoid the pain that is caused by a bad posture. Imagine, for example, that you work eight hours in an office and you have bad posture: this training will be ideal for you, since you will be able to stretch your muscles after a whole day sitting, and you will also expand your range of motion so you can tell goodbye to back pain caused by a continuous bad posture.

How to perform mobility training?

The first thing you should do in mobility training is to warm: that is paramount, whatever the type of exercise or sport you are going to do. When you’re fully into training, you can choose to do dynamic stretching, such as shoulder rotation, hip rotation or squats.

The important thing is that the movements you make are controlled way. If every day you try to make your joints give more of themselves, you will end up increasing your flexibility, and thus the range of movements you can perform will be greater, so strength training will be more effective.

Some exercises with which you can improve mobility are the following:

  1. Roll down: This exercise is very common in Pilates. To do this, climb on top of some surface that is a little higher than the ground and, while standing, slowly bend your trunk forward until your hands are at the same height as your feet. You can add some weight with a kettlebell, but it’s not required. The important thing in this exercise is that you control the movement, not that you tone the muscles.
  2. Deep Squat: In this exercise, you will start standing with your arms stretched out in front of you. Bend your knees and lower your body until your buttocks are below your knees. Keep your back straight and your eyes forward. In this type of squats, you descend more than normal and thus work the joints such as the hips or ankles.
  3. Chest Opening Lunge: place your hands on the ground and have one leg forward. Next, she raises the arm on the side of the bent leg and notices how the trunk stretches. It is important that your gaze follows the arm, since we will have more stability.

These are some exercises with which you will be able to notice the benefits of this training, among which are included: the improvement of the movement capacity of the joints, greater effectiveness is achieved in the rest of the training sessions, the accumulated tension of the day is reduced, correct bad posture

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