Expired medicines dangerous or not?

  • Lama Khair
  • BBC Arabic – London

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photo released, Getty Images

Have you ever thought about taking an expired medicine because you can’t stand the pain, waiting for a doctor’s appointment to prescribe a new medicine for you, or you can’t afford to buy the new one?

Perhaps waiting for the doctor is not the main reason for taking these medicines in several Arab countries, but the economic conditions in countries such as Yemen, Syria and Lebanon make consulting a doctor or buying a box of a new medicine a matter beyond the power of many.

Herein lies the danger that people may resort to medication available at home without paying attention to history, or succumb to suffering without treatment.

Yemeni pharmacist Hani al-Idrisi says that there are many patients who attend his pharmacy in Sana’a who return their medicines after they see that they still have a shelf life of two months or a little more, refusing to take them on the grounds that they may not be effective. He added: “Most health organizations say that the drug does not expire in the last six months, as some believe, but often loses its focus gradually. However, this also does not apply to all drugs. Rather, it varies from one drug to another according to the cases of its use.”

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