Find out what happens if you don’t walk the dog

Not walking the dog has consequences that can even affect the health, character and coexistence of the animal.

It is not by chance that experts recommend that they go for a daily walk or exercise. It is important that the owner assumes responsibility for the well-being of the pet and this implies taking it for a walk.

Walking the dog

Taking a dog for a walk is not the same as simply taking it outside to perform its basic needs and return home.

These pets need to go out and do activities that allow them to stay in shape and also share with the master to improve their bond.

Experts assure that sharing quality time with the dog and exercising is essential for it to develop correctly.

Therefore, not taking the dog for a walk has many negative consequenceswhich as we pointed out previously affect health, character, behavior and coexistence.


The pet walk is a mustthey are by nature restless, and are always moving and exploring their environment.

Many people will think that having a patio or garden is enough for the dog to be happy; however, this is not completely true, the animal needs stimulation and daily exercises, and this is achieved through walking.

Walking the dog leads him to explore his environment through his senses, it provides him with mental stimulation that keeps him active, be it through smell, sight, hearing, touch and palate.

Taking the dog out for a walk is necessary so that it discovers new elements every day, socializes, exercises and improves its well-being.

What happens if you don’t go outside?

Not removing it directly harms your physical and mental healthas well as harming coexistence with him at home.

If a dog does not go for a walk easily, it can start to gain weight excessively, because you will eat more than necessary due to anxiety or boredom and you will not burn these extra calories, leading to problems such as: obesity, diabetes, muscle weakness, joint pain.

On the other hand, not meeting the physical needs of the dog will end up affecting its character.

Being locked up without being able to get tired implies that the dog ends up with an excess of energy that will lead him to be frustrated, bored and easily altered by exciting stimuli, such as moving objects, noises, or people and dogs walking down the street.

What’s more, the excess energy that you cannot redirect in any physical activity being confined at home can lead you to develop multiple behavioral problems.

Among the most common are: barking, breaking objects, inappropriate urination and defecation, excessive eating, aggressiveness, insecurity and protection of the territory.


It is essential to understand that if the dog has a behavioral problem derived from lack of exercise, it will not be enough to re-educate him to correct the behavior.

It is necessary to know if your welfare is covered, that is, the essential needs of the pet must be met.

Remember that each animal is unique and, for this reason, there is no routine that is standardized for all dogs, but depending on factors such as breed, age or physical condition, each dog will have its specific needs, which it is necessary to know.

However, everyone must go out daily between 2 and 3 times distributed throughout the day, depending on the duration of the paseo.

As for the recommended walk time, this should be between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the number of walks or, if due to specific circumstances, you can only take it out once a day, it should last at least one hour.

With information from Diario 2001

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